Friday, February 27, 2009


It's a stunning country.

I went 'hashing' with a truck load of expats in the mountains above Seeb.

That was phenomenal. Amazing landscape.

So arid, dry & harsh.

The climb was close to straight up, so the views were massive.

I took some terrible photos.

Yes, I ran 3/4 of it.

Half hour run, I was happy.

I think it's been around since the 70s.

Hashing, crashing, like orienteering. It is fun. lots of sweat & then beer incredible views- it's great.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Music has charms and soothes the savage soul" G

My life here is still going well.

My new laptops keyboard has Arabic characters as well as English text on it- Wonderful!

This is the first quiet weekend I've had for ages. Everything has been feeling very busy lately- almost too busy. Not sure if I like it like that. I just want slow & quiet frankly!

Muscat is not a big city- a long town, running between the mountains & the coast. Mostly it's very clean. It only rains here 2-4 days per year!

I haven't been to the desert. Everyone says camping out there is great.

I had a massive jam with my neighbour last night. From 9:30- 3am. Drinking whiskey, smoking ciggies & throwing together some cheesy harmonies- Good Fun! Another neighbour stopped in to be rent a crowd on her way home for the last hour. I borrowed a guitar from a music dept. I love it.

I've also joined one of the local choirs- which is gooby & lighthearted- also tremendous. Don't know why I didn't do it earlier in my life!

I'm off to Europe for my New Year break. Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam & Paris. Woohoo. Finalised the tickets today. My travel agant is a lovely Omani chap I met in the Lulu supermarket queue.

They were long, we commiserated.


Sailing is fantastic.

This new country has got plenty to keep me entertained-snorkling, hiking, sailing, swimming, eating at funky little local restaurants, dinner with friends, walks on the beach- strollin' new parts of town, feeding my tailor addiction, talking, drinking (surprisingly available in what I thought was going to be a fairly 'dry' state!), smoking (- too cheap not to!), eating falafels, etc etc!

I can't tell if it's a first world nation, or a 3rd world nation.
Watches, cars, electronics= 1st world.
Education, goat herding, & health= 3rd world!

So maybe not that different afterall.
The other day on the beach I saw Santa hopping on a camel.

Life here is treating me well.
It's mad, fun, busy.
This is, I'm certain, the sweetest part of the Middle East.

Keep taking opportunities - some folk never take them or ever see them.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Local Mosque.


A G# D C#m

Full fathon five,
Some day I'll lie,
Singing songs that come,
from dead men's tongues,
Anchor me.

As the compass turns, And the glass it falls,When the storm clouds roll, And the gulls they call,
Anchor me.

Don McGlashan.

3 in 1

Well this has been an incredible experience thus far.

It has been hard work to get here.
Fare-welling friends & family with phone calls, dinners, texts & hugs.

It's taken some conviction & belief to get here.
Conviction that adventure is good for me & belief that even doing something as radically bizarre as this- I will have everything I need.

Flying with Emirates was beautiful, apart from having to rapidly shed 5 kilos under a tree in the corner of the airport.
This 5 kilo loss didn't involve dieting or star jumps- only handing stuff I didn't really need over to Z, S & H.

Fear was there, but unfortunately I missed Valerie.

It was a long flight, one I unfortunately think I don't want to do again too quickly.

I watched bits of 3 Arabic movies, trying to learn, gauge something of the culture without understanding a word- the movies being sans subtitles.

None of the movies looked very Omani to me, more Indian & Turkish.
The usual fare of life; love, affairs, loneliness, wealth & poverty.

Knowing that the world is a small digital world made it easier. Also that people get on with their lives & that the suburbs, at the end of the day, wouldn't miss me at all.

(लेटर ठाट वीक...)
Dubai airport- So massive, bright and busy.
It wasn't the curvaceous, glassy architecture that shocked me, it was all the transit people asleep in dozens along the corridors and under benches.
Some young & Asian sleeping on their packs, some covered from head to toe in their native wraps. Unconscious, & uncomfortably close.

My immediate impression of Muscat, the taxi drivers offered me lifts, but not too pushily.
The heat & the sunshine blinding.

The following morning that I discovered Muscat bakery and began my unhealthy addiction to Indian instant coffee & pies that aren't called pies. Their fillings are vegetarian & spicy, or beef and rough, their shapes odd and curious.
The bakery guys were the first people I learned the local currency on. Which red note is 5, & which red note is 1OMR.

Jet lag was a strange beast. Not knowing sometimes if I should sleep or walk, eat or vomit, be alone or try company.

From there, life just starts to become normal- in a completely different way, in a completely different place.

(Later that week...)
It's all going quite tremendously.
I'm loving being here, but the heat, once I get happily & enthusiastically thru the day, all I want to do, after some kai & a little reading & perhaps a walk, is to nap!

In Muscat Oman, & its very 1st world in a lot of ways, & also very 3rd world in others.
& the nz dollar shrinks to a pesso when you leave nz.

I'm working back in the 70s- with Chalk!

My apartment is dead cute.
Very happy with it. A little noisy, & not everything works... but it's a palace to me. :)
I'm enjoying my wee bachelor pad.

So, on the whole…
It's Hot!
It's pretty strange!

Keep wishing me luck!

Mid xmz holiday.

Well, it's only taken 4 months, but finally, after enjoying many local blogs, I'm finally contributing back.

Hopefully, this'll be read by others who are thinking about coming here- that's when I first started reading this local.
- I found them helpful, & inspirational- brave & honest- which is always good company.

I'll spend a bit of time reviewing the 4 months, then go on to now... that's my plan...